Monday, July 14, 2008


Hi everyone! Thanks for such an amazing turnout and great time!!! We will be posting pictures at

Kim (Snyder) Sessions took the pics and she will be putting them on soon.

I hope everyone had a great time. We are already looking forward to the 20 year!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hello fellow Shamrocks!

The Evite Invitation has gone out to you via email. Please be looking for it and respond asap so we can get a head count. We are looking forward to a great turnout and can't wait to see everyone! Remember, it's a two day event. The first is Jillian's and the next day is a free family event! If you have not gotten an evite, let us know asap! Thanks!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Countdown to our Reunion

Hello everyone. Your reunion committee has been very busy putting things together for our reunion. We are still searching for several classmates. Please let us know if you know how to find them! Also, you will be getting an email shortly from one of the committee members. Please help out! Thanks!


Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Thank you to those of you who are helping with the reunion and for those who are giving us feedback on missing classmates. It is very helpful and if we all pull together, I'm sure we will find everyone. Please feel free to email us with any ideas or suggestions for the reunion as we are still very early in the planning stage!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Hi everyone! Welcome to the Westfield High School Class of 93 Reunion Website! Here you will find updates on upcoming committee meetings, the date of our reunion and where it will be held. Please check back often. Also, there is a list of classmates we cannot locate. If you know where they are, please send an email to Thanks! Go ROCKS!